Interested in Solar?

Georgia Solar Utilities, Inc (GaSU) is committed to Georgia's solar energy future.  Solar energy projects come in many different sizes and technologies and are often deployable in many different client environments.  However, all solar projects are unique and thus, it is always best to work with a skilled and qualified solar professional.


GaSU provides 100% financing and solar business/project structures for qualified projects.  


GaSU assists municipalities, school districts, federal/state/local governments, US military, commercial businesses and residential clients with project analyses and connecting its clients with the solar professionals in Georgia, across the US and internationally with cooperation from  our strategic partners.


Feel free to contact GaSU at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have a project(s) for GaSU's consideration.  


Also, feel free to use the following link, Georgia Solar Energy Association (GSEA), if you seek a solar professional in Georgia for residential and commercial projects and do not require GaSU's assistance.


Want to buy solar panels "Made in Georgia"?  Georgia is fortunate to have two pioneering solar panel manufacturers:


GaSU supports Georgia manufacturers and Georgia businesses and seeks "local preference" when possible.